Christian Unity ecclesiology ecumenism ecumenical theology Eucharist Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue Reformation 1 View Records
Cassander, Georg 1513-1566, De officio pii ac publicae tranquilitatis vere amantis viri in hoc religionis dissidio 1 View Records
Hervey of Ickworth, John Hervey Baron 1696-1743 Answer to the country parson's plea against the Quakers Tythe-bill 1 View Records
Church of England Anglican ecclesiology episcopacy impaired communion women priests women bishops reception economy 1 View Records
Catholic Church Gallican rite Catholic Church Church of England Thirty-nine Articles (Church of England) 1700 - 1799 1 View Records
Exhibition catalog Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Kultur- und Landesgeschichte Schloss Tirol 01.07.2017-26.11.2017 Tyrol 1 View Records
Hübner, Johann 1668-1731 Zwei mal zwei und funfzig auserlesene Biblische Historien aus dem Alten und Neuen Testamente 1 View Records
Luther, Martin 1483-1546 Luther, Martin Schmalkaldische Artikel Schmalkaldischen Artikel (Luther, Martin) 1500 - 1599 1 View Records
Hoadly, Benjamin 1676-1761 Preservative against the principles and practices of the nonjurors both in church and state 1 View Records
Exhibition catalog Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Philipps-Universität Marburg 06.05.2017-31.10.2017 Marburg 1 View Records
Exhibition catalog Residenzschloss und Stadtkirche St. Bartholomäi Altenburg 18.05.2014-02.11.2014 Altenburg, Thüringen 1 View Records
Exhibition catalog Stiftung Kloster Dalheim, LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur 31.10.2016-12.11.2017 Lichtenau-Dalheim 1 View Records
Catholic Church Clergy Appointment, call, and election History Belgium Catholic Church Université de Louvain (1425-1797) 1 View Records
Crossing Borders: Boundaries & Margins in Medieval & Early Modern Britain: Essays in Honour of Cynthia J. Neville (Book) 1 View Records
ELIZABETH I of England Through Valois Eyes: Power, Representation & Diplomacy in the Reign of the Queen 1558-1588 (Book) 1 View Records
Hall, Robert 1764-1831 Reply to the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn : being a further vindication of the practice of free communion 1 View Records
Children religion education religious upbringing freedom of choice circumcision England European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) 1 View Records
Exhibition catalog St. Marienkirche, St.-Gertraudkirche, Museum Viadrina und im Stadtraum Frankfurt Oder 2017 Frankfurt (Oder) 1 View Records
Clement approximately 150-approximately 215 Clement approximately 150-approximately 215 Stromata (Clement, of Alexandria, Saint) 1 View Records
Europe Social history studies Social structure Social inequality Soziale Schicht England France Germany Italy Vereinigte Staaten 1 View Records