Bonifatius de Stephanis 1504-1582 / Quaresmio, Francesco 1583-1650 / Amico, Bernardino / Holy Sepulcher, Church of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem / Restoration / Franciscans / History 1551-1656 1 View Records
Bosnia-Herzegovina / Catholicism / Franciscans / History 1551-1851 1 View Records
Christian art / Folk art / France / History / Restoration / Piety 1 View Records
Dominikaner / Franciscans / History 1510-1768 / Jesuits / Resonance / Mission (international law / Latin America 1 View Records
Franciscans / History 1700-1820 / Indigenous peoples / Mission (international law / Resistance / Peru 1 View Records
Amico, Bernardino / DeAngelis, Antonino / History 1580-1600 / Holy Sepulcher, Church of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem / Model / Nativity church (Bethlehem) 1 View Records
Asturias / Franciscans / History 1500-1600 / Monastic reform / Religious life 1 View Records
Caelius, Michael 1492-1559 / Controversy / Franciscans / History 1530-1531 / Reformation / Meckenloer, Kaspar / Mansfeld 1 View Records
Conflict / Franciscans / Franz, von Assisi, Heiliger 1182-1226 / History 1519-1535 / Reception / Klara, von Assisi, Heilige 1194-1253 / Reformation / Religious life 1 View Records
Devotional literature / Franciscans / History 1500-1600 / Karmeliten / Reception / Mysticism / Spain 1 View Records
Franciscans / History 1517-1535 / Order reform / Reformation 1 View Records
Franciscans / History 1520-1540 / Reformation / Thuringia / Weiß, Thomas 1482- 1 View Records
Franciscans / History 1528-1619 / Reform 1 View Records
Franciscans / History 1535-1600 / Mission (international law / New Spain / Reception / Old Testament / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Basilius, Caesariensis 330-379 / Franciscans / History 1300-1337 / Reception 1 View Records
Bible / Franciscans / History 1200-1300 / Reception 1 View Records
Byzantine Empire / Franciscans / History 1200-1300 / Italy / Reception / Passion cycle / Painting 1 View Records
Bohemians / Controversy / Education / History 1380-1500 / Religious life / Franciscans 1 View Records
Book / Education / Franciscans / History 1245-1400 / Religious life 1 View Records
Arnoldus, de Villa Nova 1235-1312 / Franciscans / History 1200-1400 / Religiosity 1 View Records