Bible. Ijob 31,35 / Legal language / Metaphor 1 View Records
Bible. Ijob 33,23 / Angel / Metaphor / Intercession / God / Plot / Salvation 1 View Records
Bible. Ijob 38,29 / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Metaphor / Birth / Gregor, I., Pope 542-604 / Creation / Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 1 View Records
Bible. Ijob 38-41 / Eclipse / Metaphor / Job / Job Biblical character / God / Wisdom 1 View Records
Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 / Legal language / Metaphor / Relationship to God / Religious life 1 View Records
Bible. Ijob 10,17 / Metaphor 2 View Records
Bible. Ijob 28 / Cognitive poetics / Metaphor / Structure of 1 View Records
Bible. Ijob 40 / Behemoth / Metaphor / Body / Job Biblical character / Old Testament / Poetics (Motif) / Song of Songs 1 View Records
Bible. Levitikus 13 / Leprosy / Metaphor / Disease / Exile / Purity 1 View Records
Bible. Deuteronomium 23,18 / Legislation / Metaphor / Prostitute / Prostitute (Motif) / Prostitution / Prostitution (Motif) 1 View Records
Bible. Nahum 3 / Locusts / Metaphor / Ninive 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 23 / Lamb / Metaphor / Reception 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 36 / Light / Metaphor / Enlightenment / Faith 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 80 / Lament / Metaphor / Child / Model / Separation 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 80 / Lament / Metaphor / Father / God / Shepherd / Vintner 1 View Records
Bible. Jesaja 29 / Linguistic analysis / Metaphor / Contradiction / Hebrew language / Irony / Ambiguity / Communication / Poetics / Prophecy / Reception / Style 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 45 / Latin church fathers / Metaphor / Bride / Ideal (motif) / Exegesis / Church fathers / Sexual abstinence / Virginity 1 View Records
Bible. Jesaja 49,6 / Light / Metaphor / Lucan writings / Christology / New Testament / Old Testament 1 View Records
Bible / Legislation / Metaphor / Hierarchy / Concept of / Emotion / Property violation / Sexual harassment 1 View Records
Bible. Römerbrief 7,1-6 / Legislation (Theology) / Metaphor / Marriage / Christian life 1 View Records