Bible. Corinthians 2. 12,1-10 / Spiritual warfare / Historical background / Early Judaism 3 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 1.-2. / Early Judaism / Historical background / Primitive Christianity / Temple (Jerusalem) 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 12,1-10 / Baraies ca. 3. Jh. / Homily / Early Judaism / Apocalypticism / Mani 216-277 / Rapture / Reception 1 View Records
Bible. Lukasevangelium 2 / Early Judaism / Historical background 1 View Records
Bible. Lukasevangelium 24,32 / Early Judaism / Historical background 1 View Records
Bible. Römerbrief 3,27 / Early Judaism / Historical background 1 View Records
Bible. Lukasevangelium 14,7-24 / Early Judaism / Historical background 1 View Records
Bible. Lukasevangelium 2,7-2,12 / Acts of the Apostles / Historical background / Early Judaism / Church 1 View Records
Bible. Johannesevangelium 1,1-18 / Early Judaism / Historical background / Hellenism 1 View Records
Bible. Matthäusevangelium 5,43-48 / Early Judaism / Historical background / Love of enemies 1 View Records
Bible. Matthäusevangelium 9,32-34 / Conflict / Historical background / Early Judaism / Exorcism 1 View Records
Bible. Johannesevangelium 12,20-22 / Early Judaism / Historical background / New Testament / Old Testament 1 View Records
Bible. Matthäusevangelium 16,16-19 / Early Judaism / Historical background / Primacy 1 View Records
Bible study / Early Judaism / Historical background / Life of Jesus research / New Testament 1 View Records
Bodiliness / Space perception / Historical background / Early Judaism / Religious experience / Ritual / Church 4 View Records
Early Judaism / Split / Historical background / Primitive Christianity / Identity search 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 10,10 / Biblical geography / Historical background / Hellenism / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 10-13 / Historical background / Rhetoric / Textual structure 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 1-5 / Bible. Corinthians 1. 18-31 / Historical background / Crucifixion 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 1-9 / Historical background / Journey 1 View Records