Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34 / Hymn of praise / Power 1 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 1,23-41 / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 15,22-29 / Power / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 6,5 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 22,26 / Christian fellowship / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 2,43-47 / Synodales Prinzip / Topicality 1 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 12,19-23 / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 14,8-18 / Power / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 17,16-34 / Criticism / Creation / Rule 1 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 27,1-28,10 / Figurative language / Power / Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius 61-114, Panegyricus / Ocean / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34 5 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34 / Captivity / Song 1 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34 / Sermon 2 View Records
Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34 / Socio-historical exegesis 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 100 / Hymn of praise / Praise / Imperative / Africa / Worship service / Yoruba 1 View Records
Bible. Jakobusbrief 1,22 / Hand / Power / 4QInstruction / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Bible. Könige 1. / Historicity / Power / Bible. Samuel 1-2 / Archaeology / David, Israel, König / Ruler 1 View Records
Bible. Numeri 13 / Human dignity / Power / Anxiety / Samuel 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 107-150 / Hermeneutics / Power / Empire 4 View Records
Bible. Römerbrief 13,1-7 / Homerus, Ilias / Power / Authority / Reception / Weil, Simone 1909-1943 1 View Records
Bible. Samuel 1. 2,1-2.6-8 / Hannah Mother of Samuel / Power / Justice / God 1 View Records
Bible. Offenbarung des Johannes 2,18-29 / Historical background / Power / Criticism 1 View Records
Bible. Chronicle 1.-2. / Hymn of praise 1 View Records
Bible. Chronicle 1.-2. / Power 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 1. / Acts of the Apostles / Power / Matthew / Mark / Temptation 2 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 1. 1,10-4,24 / Criticism / Power / Theologia crucis 1 View Records