History 1809-1917 / Reform / Kazan Tatars / Islam / Russia 1 View Records
History 1811-1871 / Reform / Rabbi / Jewish emancipation / Saxony-Meiningen / Worship service 1 View Records
History 1817-1967 / Reform / Prayer-book / Judaism 1 View Records
History 1830-1912 / Reform / Maghreb / Morocco / North Africa / Political reform / Islam / Reform policy / Religion / Society 1 View Records
History 1850-1905 / Reform / Islam / Religion / ʿAbduh, Muḥammad 1849-1905 1 View Records
History 1857-1862 / Reform / Prussians / Prisoner / Wichern, Johann Hinrich 1808-1881 1 View Records
History 1870-1949 / Reform / Modernization / Islam 1 View Records
History 1890-1918 / Reform / Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Adoption / Reform / History 1919-1933 / Family law / Reform / Reform of family rights / Reform of family rights / Unmarried law / Weimar Republic / Weimar Republic / Weimar Republic / Weimar Republic 1 View Records
Adoption / Reform / History 1919-1933 / Germany 1 View Records
Agenda / Reform / History 1945-1999 / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Agrarian politics / Reform / History 1976-1990 / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Social policy 1 View Records
Antoni, d'Avinyó ca. 15. Jh. / Reform / History 1439-1450 / Kloster Montserrat / Benedictines / Religious life 1 View Records
Apologia / Reform / History 1490-1498 / Florence / Church reform / Christian life 1 View Records
Apostolische Gemeinschaft / Reform / History 1955-2010 / Reception / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Asia / Reform / History 1700-2000 / Islam / Mittelasien / Naqshbandiya-Mujaddidiyya / Political network / India / Sufism / Transoxanien 1 View Records
Asia / Reform / History 1963-2014 / Inculturation / Liturgy / Catholic church / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Sacrosanctum concilium 1 View Records
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 1881-1938 / Reform / History 1920-1934 1 View Records
Attempt / Reform / History 1904-1960 / Saints' calendar / Tridentine liturgy 1 View Records
Augustiner / Reform / History 1114-1230 / Ivo, Carnotensis 1040-1116, Panormia / Liturgy / Church of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem (Jerusalem) / Scripture reading 1 View Records