Britisch-Indien / Reform / History 1858-1940 / Islam / The Modern 1 View Records
Catholic church / Reform / History 1864-2015 / Present / Time 1 View Records
Charitable works / Reform / History 1800-1850 / Imprisonment / Quakers / Evangelical movement / USA 1 View Records
Civil suit / Reform / History 1800-1900 1 View Records
Colonialism / Reform / History 1873-1932 / Kerala / Mopla / Islam / Scholar 1 View Records
Concept of / Reform / History 1830-1912 / Morocco / Islam / Society 1 View Records
Constitution / Reform / History 1830-1900 / Saxons 2 View Records
Deutsche Zentrumspartei / Reform / History 1894-1895 / Legislation / Germany 1 View Records
Discourse / Reform / History 1840-1865 / Nordoststaaten, USA / Pregnancy / Harmony / Spirituality 1 View Records
Dogmatics / Reform / History 1850-1905 / Islam / Religion / Tawḥīd / ʿAbduh, Muḥammad 1849-1905 1 View Records
Educational reform / Reform / History 1850-1950 / Kerala / Islam 1 View Records
Educator / Reform / History 1870-1998 / Germany / Training 1 View Records
Funeral / Reform / History 1837-1901 / London / Protestantism / Health system 1 View Records
Germany / Reform / History 1800-1850 / Protestant Church / Hymnal / Religious song 1 View Records
Grand duchy / Reform / History 1811-1871 / Rabbi / Jewish emancipation / Worship service 1 View Records
Great Britain / Reform / History 1813-1845 / Imprisonment 1 View Records
Hagurosan-Shugen-Honshū / Reform / History 1813-1826 / Household / Local administration / Hierarchy 1 View Records
Haringer, Michael / Reform / History 1873-1900 / Leo, XIII., Pope 1810-1903 / Index librorum prohibitorum / Reusch, Franz Heinrich 1825-1900 2 View Records
Hindi / Reform / History 1800-1950 / Literature / Reception / Hinduism / Sūradāsa 1483-1573 / Tulasīdāsa 1532-1623 1 View Records
History 1809-1917 / Reform / Kazan Tatars / Islam 1 View Records