Armenian language / Textual criticism / John, Chrysostomus 344-407, In illud: Ignem ueni mittere in terram / Text history / Greek language 1 View Records
Armenian language / Textual criticism / Maccabean books 3. / Bible. Makkabäer 1.-2. 1 View Records
Arnobius, Rhetor -327 / Textual criticism 1 View Records
Authenticity / Textual criticism / John / Text genesis / Bible. Johannesbrief 1. 5,7-8 1 View Records
Authenticity / Textual criticism / Text history / Hadith 3 View Records
Authorship / Textual criticism / Mechthild, von Magdeburg 1210-1282, Das fließende Licht der Gottheit 1 View Records
Acts of Paul and Thecla / Textual criticism / New Testament / Text history / New Testament 1 View Records
Andrew of Caesarea -637 / Textual criticism / New Testament 1 View Records
Abraham, Biblical person / Textual criticism / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / Text history / Book of Jubilees 1 View Records
Assimilation (Phonetics) / Textual criticism / Eclecticism / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 12,39 1 View Records
Alexander Nonsberg, Saint / Textual criticism / Saint's life / Sisinnius Nonsberg, Martyr -397 / Martyrius Saint -397 1 View Records
Ambrosius, Autpertus -784 / Textual criticism / Handwriting / Revelation / Commentary 1 View Records
Alttestamentliche Theologie / Textual criticism / Sirach / Text history / Old Testament 2 View Records
Auszug von Teutschen Landen / Textual criticism 1 View Records
Aquila, von Sinope ca. 2. Jh. / Textual criticism / Old Testament / Symmachos, Bibelübersetzer ca. 2. Jh. / Syrohexapla / Bible. Jeremia 27,21 1 View Records
Aristides, Apologeta, Apologia / Textual criticism 1 View Records
Armenische Apostolische Kirche / Textual criticism / Confession of faith 1 View Records
Arias Montano, Benito 1527-1598 / Textual criticism / History 1560-1598 / Humanism / Literary style / Spain / Syntax / Hebrew language 1 View Records
Anna, Comnena 1083-1148, Alexias / Textual criticism 3 View Records
Amphilochius Cappadox ca. 343 - 394 / Textual criticism / Church fathers / Exegesis / Homily / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,39 1 View Records