Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Art / History 1513-1541 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Art / History 1513-1541 / Maecenatism / Renaissance 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Art / History 1513-1541 / Renaissance 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Erzstift Mainz / History 1515-1545 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Germany / History 1518-1525 / Portrait painting / Propaganda 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Church policy / History 1520-1528 / Germany / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reformation 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Civil servant / History 1534-1535 / Criminal proceedings / Erzstift Mainz / Financial policy / Corruption / Schönitz, Hans von 1499-1535 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Counter-Reformation / History 1520-1545 / Theologian 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Halle (Saale) / History 1520-1532 / Reformation / Relic veneration / Worship service 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Germany / History / Johann, Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Markgraf 1406-1464 / Prussians 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / History / Liturgy / Neues Stift 1 View Records
Art / Food (Motif) / History 1513-1907 1 View Records
Albrecht, Preußen, Herzog 1490-1568 / Art / History / Culture 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Halle (Saale) / Indulgence dispute / Karlstadt, Andreas 1486-1541 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Albrecht II Mainz, Archbishop 1490-1545 / Hutten, Ulrich von 1488-1523 1 View Records
Art / Collection / History 1510-1530 / Ethnology / Margaret of Austria, 1480-1530 1480-1530 / The Americas 1 View Records
Art / Elector / History 1517-1558 / Maecenatism / Saxons 1 View Records
Art / Eschatology / History 1517-1555 1 View Records
Art / Europe / History 1517-1555 / Print / Reformation 1 View Records
Art / History 1512-2012 / Iconography / Image / Nemours, Gaston de Foix de 1489-1512 1 View Records