4Q524 / Crucifixion / Bible. Deuteronomium 21,22-23 / Tempelrolle (Qumran Scrolls) 1 View Records
Abandonment / Crucifixion / Spiritual life 1 View Records
Abraham, Biblical person / Crucifixion / Child sacrifice / Bible. Genesis 22,1-19 / Isaac / Ishmael / Patriarch / Piety / Piety (Motif) 1 View Records
Abuse / Crucifixion / Coping / Catholic church / Jesus Christus / Sexual abuse / Torture / Victim (Social psychology) 1 View Records
Activism / Crucifixion / Bible study / Jesus Christus / Pedagogics / Sexual abuse 1 View Records
Acts of John / Crucifixion / Docetism 1 View Records
Aesthetics / Crucifixion / Christology / Balthasar, Hans Urs von 1905-1988, Herrlichkeit 1 View Records
Aesthetics / Crucifixion / Church / Church / Lynch justice / North America / Preaching / Roman Empire / Teaching / Typology 1 View Records
Ahmadiyya / Crucifixion 1 View Records
Allusion / Crucifixion / Genesis / Luke / Soteriology / Typology (Literature) 1 View Records
Alszeghy, Zoltán 1915-1991 / Crucifixion / Bordoni, Marcello 1930-2013 / Flick, Maurizio 1909-1979 / Moingt, Joseph 1915-2020 / Soteriology 1 View Records
Altitudes / Crucifixion / Gospels / Parody 1 View Records
anomia / Crucifixion / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 27 / Bible. Psalmen 69 / Authority / Intertextuality / Jews / Romans / Soldier 1 View Records
Anselm, Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger 1033-1109, Cur Deus homo / Crucifixion / God / Incarnation of Jesus Christ 1 View Records
Anti-judaism / Crucifixion 1 View Records
Antisemitism / Crucifixion 1 View Records
Antisemitism / Crucifixion / Catholic church / Collective guilt / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 27,45 / History 1900-1950 / Judaism / Switzerland 1 View Records
Apocryphal gospels / Crucifixion / Gospel of Peter / Resurrection 1 View Records
Aramaic language / Crucifixion / Exegesis / Greek language / New Testament / Old Testament / Rabbinic literature / Sword / Targum / Underworld 1 View Records
Arameans / Crucifixion / Church / Islam / Jesus Christus / Reception 1 View Records