RT Article T1 Church and State in the Byzantine Empire: A Reconsideration of the Problem of Caesaropapism JF Church history VO 34 SP 381 OP 403 A1 Geanakoplos, Deno John 1916-2007 LA English PB Cambridge University Press YR 1965 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/596366388 AB In the medieval theocratic societies of both the Byzantine East and the Latin West, where the influence of Christian precepts so strongly pervaded all aspects of life, it was inevitable that the institutions of church and state, of sacerdotium and regnum to use the traditional Latin terms, be closely tied to one another. But whereas in the West, at least after the investiture conflict of the eleventh century, the pope managed to exert a strong political influence over secular rulers, notably the Holy Roman Emperor, in the East, from the very foundation of Constantinople in the fourth century, the Byzantine emperor seemed clearly to dominate over his chief ecclesiastical official, the patriarch. K1 Verhältnis Staat-Kirche K1 Orientalische Kirchen K1 Byzantinisches Reich K1 church-state relations K1 Oriental Church K1 Byzantine Empire DO 10.2307/3163118