Summary: | Cover -- Titel -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Abbreviations -- Angelika Berlejung - Fear Management: Amulets as a Coping Strategy for Fears and Anxiety in the Ancient Near East of the First Millennium BCE -- Judith E. Filitz - Fear for the First Time: The Emotion of Fear in the Primeval History (Gen 1-11) -- Franziska Naether - Fear and Its Manifestations in Ancient Egyptian Literary Texts -- Laura Gonnermann - The Embodiment of Fear by Sekhmet: Coping with the Fear(s) in Ancient Egypt -- Tilmann Gaitzsch - Pharaohs and Amulets: Agency, Representation, and the Power of Amulets in Ancient Egyptian Temple Cult and its Monumental Representations -- Nesina Grütter - Clusters of Fears: A Psychology of Religion Approach to the Mesopotamian barûtu Tradition -- Ulrike Steinert - Mesopotamian Amulet Prescriptions for Averting and Preventing Fear -- Johannes Seidel - The Cedar Tree and Fears: Substances and Their Effect on Emotions in Rituals -- Anat Bloch-Feldman - Amulets and Emotional Attachment: A Psychological Perspective on the Use of Textual Amulets in the Ancient Jewish World -- Rivka Elitzur-Leiman - Biblical Citations in Jewish Metal Amulets from Late Antiquity -- Adi Wiener - The Importance of Context: Intertextuality, Hermeneutics and Instrumentalism in Biblical References on Ancient Jewish Amulets -- Gideon Bohak - Scribal Overkill: Textual Density on Ancient Jewish Amulets -- Daniel James Waller - Fear Transformed: The Use of First-Person Narrative Spells in the Jewish Aramaic Magic Bowls -- Marco Moriggi - Fears in Syriac Incantation Texts: The Therapeutics of Textual Amulets -- Joseph E. Sanzo - From Disturbing Dreams to Divine Dread: Fear in Late Antique Christian Magic from Egypt -- List of Contributors -- Indices.