RT Article T1 Jaunavas Marijas Tēls Feminisma Teoloģijā: The Image of Virgin Mary in Feminist Theology. JF Cel̜š IS 59 SP 67 OP 90 A1 Jakāne, Inta A1 Filipsone, Anta LA Latvian PB LU Akadēmiskais apgāds YR 2009 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/1839721642 AB The aim of this article is to reveal the meaning of Mary's image and symbol in the feminist theology. The image of the "ideal Mary" offered by the traditional Christianity, especially by the Roman Catholic tradition, is confronted with the feminist critique, which highlights the repressive nature of this symbol. Virgin Mary is an important image in the Christian tradition. It has developed from century to century, becoming more and more complicated. Mariology-the cult of Mary and special honours bestowed on Mary in the Roman Catholic Church-has provoked numerous accusations from the feminist side that the church is patriarchal and androcentric, constantly diminishing the role of women. Feminist theologians do not tire to continually point out the main dangers connected with Virgin Mary's high popularity in the Roman Catholic Church, namely, the denial of the value of the body and sexuality and cultivation of women's passivity and submissiveness. Confronting this negative experience, some feminists have dismissed Mary as inapplicable to contemporary spirituality of women, while others strive to transform, change, reanimate Mary, and emancipate her from the traditional views. In general, feminist theology reveals the ambivalent role of Mary's traditional image in women's experience and searches for ways to reshape it in order to bring it closer to the reality of an active and creative contemporary woman as well as to support equality in gender relations. K1 Catholic Church K1 DOCTRINAL theology K1 Feminist Spirituality K1 Feminist Theology K1 HUMAN sexuality in religion K1 Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint K1 MARY, Blessed Virgin, Saint; Theology K1 Social Structure K1 Spirituality K1 Theological Education K1 Theology