Citazione Stile APA (7a Edizione)

Jorissen, H. (2007). Archa Verbi: Yearbook for the Study of Medival Theologie, vol 1 (2004). Theologie und Philosophie, 82(3), 439-441.

Citazione stile Chigago Style (17a edizione)

Jorissen, H. "Archa Verbi: Yearbook for the Study of Medival Theologie, Vol 1 (2004)." Theologie Und Philosophie 82, no. 3 (2007): 439-441.

Citatione MLA (9a ed.)

Jorissen, H. "Archa Verbi: Yearbook for the Study of Medival Theologie, Vol 1 (2004)." Theologie Und Philosophie, vol. 82, no. 3, 2007, pp. 439-441.

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