RT Article T1 Costruire La Cittadinanza Contemporanea: Per Una Convergenza Tra Polis Globale, Cristiana E Digitale JF Rivista di scienze dell'educazione VO 59 IS 3 SP 357 OP 369 A1 Arsena, Angela LA Italian YR 2021 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/1797098543 AB This paper is a historical and pedagogical excursus on contemporary education and on the concept of citizenship as conveyed by school practices. It discusses, in light of the evangelic teachings, on living in the global polis with an attitude given by the awareness of responsible civic and democratic belonging during the span of one's life. It also discusses the possibility that the contemporary city (which is also digital polis) may be a place that transforms the individuals through education, towards a renewed humanism, capable of overcoming the new-style obscurantism of the global village. K1 Didattica a distanza K1 Didáctica a distancia K1 online learning K1 d emocrazia K1 Democracia K1 Democracy K1 Language K1 Lenguaje K1 linguaggio K1 posibilidad K1 Possibility K1 possibilitÃ