RT Book T1 Sin and its remedy in Paul T2 Contours of Pauline theology A2 Gupta, Nijay K. 1978- A2 Goodrich, John K. 1981- LA English PP Eugene, Oregon PB Cascade Books YR 2020 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/1772451290 AB Sin in context: [amartia] in Greco-Roman and Jewish literature /Nijay K. Gupta --Sin and soteriology in Romans /Martinus C. de Boer --Sin and the sovereignty of God in Romans /Bruce W. Longenecker --Models for relating sin as a power to human activity in Romans 5:12-21 /A. Andrew Das --Letters from the battlefield: cosmic sin and captive sinners in 1 Corinthians /Alexandra R. Brown --Divine generosity in the midst of conflict: sin and its remedy in 2 Corinthians /Dominika Kurek-Chomycz --Sin, slavery, sacrifice, and the spirit: the human problem and divine solution in Galatians /David A. deSilva --Dead in your trespasses: sin as infraction and sphere of power in Colossians and Ephesians /John K. Goodrich --"But I never intended...": implicit hamartiology in the Thessalonian correspondence /Andy Johnson --Re-ordering the household: misalignment and realignment to God's [oikonomia] in 1 Timothy /George M. Wieland. AB This collection of essays considers what light is shed on Pauline soteriology by giving focused attention to the apostle's language and conception of sin. Sometimes Paul appears to present sin and disobedience as transgression, while at other times sin is personified and treated as an enslaving power. Is there a model or perspective that can account for Paul's conceptual range in his discussion of sin? What does careful study of Paul's letters reveal about the christological and pneumatological remedies to the problem of sin as he conceives of them? These questions are explored with attention to individual Pauline letters towards a richer understanding of his attitude towards sin and its remedy NO Includes bibliographical references and indexes CN BS2655.S54 SN 9781532689567 SN 153268956X K1 Bible : Epistles of Paul : Criticism, interpretation, etc K1 Bible : Epistles of Paul : Theology K1 Bible K1 Sin : Biblical teaching K1 Sin ; Biblical teaching K1 Theology K1 Criticism, interpretation, etc