RT Article T1 DOES THE IDEA OF GOD BELONG IN POLITICS?: A RESPONSE TO THE “POLITICAL LIBERALISM” OF JOHN RAWLS JF Politikologija religije VO 12 IS 2 SP 265 OP 284 A1 Smith, L. Scott LA English YR 2018 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/1767867514 AB This is a polemical essay providing an historical and cultural analysis of John Rawls’s political liberalism, and arguing that the “original position” in his philosophy is not only hypothetical, but also unrealistic by virtue of ignoring comprehensive religious and philosophical points of view. Rawls attempts to derive the ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity from a mere thought experiment withoutconsidering the foundational role of the Christian religion, which was instrumental in the birth and refinement of these ideas. K1 Christianity K1 Rawls K1 Equality K1 Fraternity K1 Liberty K1 Political Liberalism K1 Politics