RT Article T1 "Verdrehte" Familienverhältnisse: die Beziehung zwischen Rahel, Lea und Jakob und ihre Entwicklungen = A “twisted” family : how the relationships between Rachel, Lea and Jacob develop JF Protokolle zur Bibel VO 25 IS 1 SP 1 OP 25 A1 Lass, Magdalena 1985- LA German PB Universität Wien, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Institut für Bibelwissenschaft YR 2016 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/1650628552 AB This article focuses on the relationship between Rachel and Lea as well as their respective relationships with God and their husband Jacob. Special attention is paid to the meanings of the names given their children at birth. It is shown that Jacob turns toward his previously neglected wife Lea as soon as the third child (Levi) is born, whereas Rachel actively tries to change her fate. Within the story, the characters of Rachel and Jacob are often mirrored, especially in their struggle with their siblings. K1 Jakob : Biblische Person K1 Lea : Biblische Person K1 Rahel : Biblische Person K1 Rachel K1 Lea K1 Jacob K1 Patriarchenerzählung K1 Familie K1 Family K1 Relationship