Цитирование APA (7-е изд.)

Machinist, P. (2018). Royal inscriptions in the Hebrew bible and Mesopotamia: Reflections on presence, function, and self-critique. "When the morning stars sang", [331]-363.

Цитирование в стиле Чикаго (17-е изд.)

Machinist, Peter. "Royal Inscriptions in the Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia: Reflections on Presence, Function, and Self-critique." "When the Morning Stars Sang" 2018: [331]-363.

Цитирование MLA (9-е изд.)

Machinist, Peter. "Royal Inscriptions in the Hebrew Bible and Mesopotamia: Reflections on Presence, Function, and Self-critique." "When the Morning Stars Sang", 2018, pp. [331]-363.

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