Цитирование APA (7-е изд.)

Klingbeil, M. (2007). "I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness": Image and imagery in the Hebrew Psalter. "For you have strengthened me", 59-74.

Цитирование в стиле Чикаго (17-е изд.)

Klingbeil, Martin. ""I Will Be Satisfied with Seeing Your Likeness": Image and Imagery in the Hebrew Psalter." "For You Have Strengthened Me" 2007: 59-74.

Цитирование MLA (9-е изд.)

Klingbeil, Martin. ""I Will Be Satisfied with Seeing Your Likeness": Image and Imagery in the Hebrew Psalter." "For You Have Strengthened Me", 2007, pp. 59-74.

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