Citazione Stile APA (7a Edizione)

Challoner, R., & Tweedale, M. (2008). The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims version; the Old Testament first published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 and the New Testament first published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582. Baronius Press.

Citazione stile Chigago Style (17a edizione)

Challoner, Richard, e Michael Tweedale. The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims Version; the Old Testament First Published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 and the New Testament First Published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582. London: Baronius Press, 2008.

Citatione MLA (9a ed.)

Challoner, Richard, e Michael Tweedale. The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims Version; the Old Testament First Published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 and the New Testament First Published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582. Baronius Press, 2008.

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