RT Book T1 Kitâb ar-radd wa'd-dalîl fi 'd-dîn aḏ-ḏalîl (al-kitâb al-Ḥazarî) A1 Yehudah, ha-Leṿi 1075-1141 A2 Baneṭ, Daṿid Tsevi 1893-1973 LA Arabic PP Jerusalem PB Magnes Press YR 1977 UL https://ixtheo.de/Record/108392852X NO Parallelsacht.: Kitāb al-Radd wa-'l-dalīl fī 'l-dīn al-dhalīl (al-Kitāb al-Khazarī). The book of refutation and proof on the despised faith (The book of the Khazars). Sēfer ham-maʿane we-hā-reʾāyā ʿal ôdôt had-dat ham-mûšpālā (Sēfer hak-Kûzārîm). - Zitiert.:Kuzari [Kuzzarī].- Text arab. in hebr. Schr